Questions And Answers

# Question Rating Category(s) Date
6 If a mat and the wrist strap are connected together, do they... 97% Shielding
16 We have customers who manufacture printed circuit boards and... 93% Shielding
38 One of our departments has a conductive floor that has the r... 100% Shielding
55 Static shocks are rebooting computers at 17 - 20 feet away d... 0% Shielding
123 I have a brochure that shows a continuous monitor and under ... 100% Shielding
167 If two charged dielectric materials, of opposite or same pol... 80% Shielding
172 We installed plastic pipes (PVC) to carry the coffee from ro... 0% Shielding
706 Is it critical for a static shielding bag to be sealed shut?... 100% Bags, Shielding 2/27/2001
1142 Do I need to seal the metalized static bag with zipper if I ... 100% Bags, Shielding 8/19/2003
1147 Are ESD Smocks required by ANSI/ESD S20.20? 90% ESD, Shielding, Smocks 7/25/2002
1155 What is the difference between ESD static shielding bag and ... 100% Bags, Shielding
1156 If a person is grounded with a wrist strap and is wearing a ... 0% Grounding, Seating, Shielding, Smocks 3/11/2005
1192 Our company receives sensitive electronic components package... 86% Bags, Shielding, Symbols 4/5/2005
1195 The question I've received is does an ESD bag have to be sea... 96% Bags, Packaging, Shielding 6/29/2005
1207 We are using the anti static fabric for our uniform. It was ... 80% Shielding, Smocks 9/1/2005
1209 A manufacturing facility has a number of PCA's stored in a l... 100% Bags, Shielding, CDM 9/12/2005
1228 I would like to know how to protect thin... 0% Bags, Shielding, Miscellaneous 1/24/2007
1276 Hi,
We have several multi-drawer cabinets in which we sto...
0% Mats, Shelving (Racks), Shielding 1/8/2008
1279 My colleague said “it won’t be ESD safe unless the package i... 60% Packaging, Resistance, Shielding, Ground Cords 1/18/2008
1280 Can we choose esd program as part of cost reduction in ... 0% Handling, Shielding, ROI 1/21/2008