10MM Stud snap - compatible with mats that have a 10MM Socket snapCommon grounding point for wrist straps and a work mat One megohm resistor is incorporated into the unit at the mat termination 10mm stud to attach to mat snap Includes 15-foot wire and ring terminal
Per ESD 6.1 "Provisions may be made to include a resistor where it may be required for a purpose other than ESD."
ESD Handbook TR 20.20 paragraph 5.1.3 Basic Grounding Requirements "The first step in ensuring that everything in an EPA is at the same electrical potential is to ground all conductive components of the work area (worksurfaces, people, equipment, etc.) to the same electrical ground point. This point is called the common point ground. The next step in completing the ground circuit is to connect the common point ground to the equipment ground (third wire, green)"
One Megohm resistor is required in wrist straps, however, the recommended practice is hard ground per ANSI/EOS/ESD S6.1 that is no resistor between the common point ground terminal and a worksurface floor mat, or shelving. Per ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1 Grounding System Technical Requirement, the Recommended Range is less than 1 ohm AC impedance.
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