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Question Economy ESD workstation mat testing? - Anonymous, Exton, PA,
Answer There are a few choices for and economy ESD workstation mat tester, depending on what you want tested. There are single shot testers such as megohmeters that will test the mats electrical resistance (RTT or RTG) as well as continuous testers that will test the mats connectivity to ground via a monitored circuit.

First recommended tester is a our LCD digital megohmeter which is a value all by itself. It is designed around ESD Association's standard S4.1, takes accurate resistivity, RTT and RTG measurements of planar worksurfaces.

Another suggestion is the Mini Meg pocket megohmeter which costs a third of the other but doesn't yield detailed measurements and doesn't conform to S4.1. It is a good ballpark approximator to let you know where the surface is in electrical resistance.

The monitored solution is even more economical using our continuous workstation monitor which looks for an electrical resistance below 500 megohmeters to ground as a good connection.
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