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Question I intend to purchase the drag chain from esd systems on the model 14000. The question I would like to ask, is the 14000 drag chain effective in our plant which is conductive flooring. At present, we try a drag chain from a local source but when measured with the megaohmeter it reads 1010 or more which by any standard is not effective. Also, what is the weight of the 14000 like which I believe play an important role too. Please reply asap. Thanks. –Chin Hoe
Answer The drag chain is only as effective as the ESD floor. If the floor is 1x109 ohms, then the best you’d get for RTG readings from the drag chain through the floor would limited by the floor or 1x109 ohms. It is also recommended to have the drag chain make contact with the floor for at least 6 inches and closer to 12 inches while ensuring that the chain does not interfere with the normal operation of the cart or become a hazard for people walking. The unit weighs approximately 0.1 lb or 0.05 kg. What is important is the contact resistance which is a function of area, surface roughness, contact pressure and the resistance of both materials (floor/drag chain)
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