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Question If parts (resistors,pwb,) are placed inside a Pink Poly Bag at a grounded work station by a grounded worker then will the bag still provide protection to the item, once the person is ungrounded and the product is moved to other areas of the factory?
Answer Pink poly bags only help protect the devices from tribocharging and will not necessarily protect the contents from electric fields, external charging or ESD events to the package. In some cases, the protective properties of the pink poly bags are temporary and may bleed out over time, rendering the bag non-ESD safe as well as contaminating the contents.

The best protection from an ESD bag is from a high-quality film, such as an MVB/EMI film or MI/MO films. The high-quality films used in our shielding bags are also manufactured with a soft fold, maintaining the integrity of the Faraday Cage structure of the bag. This type of structure gives the best protection to the contents from tribocharging inside and out, moisture, EMI, static electric fields and ESD events to the bag.

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