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Question My company has implemented 5S program while also developing the ESD program.  Part of 5S program is label where items are located and shadowboarding or shadowbox an item.  The question:  Is it appropriate to put vinyl electrical tape on the esd mat within the designated workspace?  Is it appropriate to put a label saying workspace in the workspace with cover with clear packaging tape?  Both leave a sticky residue when you take off needing a cleaner to remove.  Am I'm correct to say both ideals create a insulator, which is a barrier to the ESD mat.  There is no white paper regarding 5S program as it relate to ESD benchtop mat.
Answer You are correct. A basic principle of ESD control is to remove all insulators from the ESD protective workstation. Best practice would be to put labels on bench edge and not on the worksurface. Although a small area, placing insulative tape or a label on the ESD worksurface will interfer with the path-to-ground.
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