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Question Following is my other questions on ESD, could you give me the kind support? ESD flooring material has PVC sheet, PVC tile, Epoxy, plain concrete:
Q1. What is the difference between PVC sheet and PVC tile?
Q2. What type of flooring have typically been used in ESD projects, such as in Telecom, SMT, IC, Teleoperators? Could you give me a profile?
Q3. What are the typical sub-floor materials under the PVC? their evenness, moisture of concrete sub-floor typically?
Q4. For ESD control, what is the expected cost percentage of total capital investment according to your experience.
Answer PVC sheet and PVC tile can vary in several ways, such as how you would apply, the ease of application, the material properties can also vary from manufacture to manaufacture. PVC tile tends to be more flexible and non-ESD PVC tile can be relatively inexpensive when used with our Statproof® Floor Care System. AT&T and Lucent Technologies are big fans of our Statproof® Floor Care System, specifically the Statproof® zinc-free floor finish. The most common sub-floor material is concrete for PVC floor tiles. You need to ensure your subfloor is properly prepared prior to installation.
A properly designed and successfully deployed ESD Control program is a proven money saver with an ROI of up to 1,000% per year. Another source reports that for every one-dollar invested in ESD control, ninety-five dollars comes back as money saved.
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