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I would like to ask if you could advise some for my problem...

We are to design an alarming device. The device would alarm if an an ungrounded operator touches the machine or any metallic equipment. Its concern is to alert the operator whenever he forgets to wear properly his groundstap...

 What should be our primary considerations regarding this matter???


You might consider a “Parking Snap” feature which allows the operator to disarm the alarm for a few seconds to allow time to put on or take off the wrist strap ground cord. If the operator leaves the wrist band on but wants to leave the wrist strap ground cord at the workstation/machine, the “Parking Snap” is designed to be used to just snap the wrist strap ground cord onto the “Parking Snap”.

The design feature is that the audio alarm sounds continuously if the wrist strap ground cord is inserted into the ground jack and not parked, however the audio alarm will not sound when wrist strap ground cord is snapped on “Parking Snap”.

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