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Question I looked into [your] web site, but what I was more interested on is how to make a computer system ESD safe...meaning preventing it from being a source of ESD...not protecting it from being damaged by ESD. This is why I was also asking if there is an available ESD Keyboard and Monitor (the one which does not generate ESD) that you know of. - Joel S. Amores, Laguna, CA
Answer In regards to protecting PCs from ESD, there is some synergy to having them protected from ESD with making them ESD safe. The high energy monitor is a big source of static charges (especially for older monitors) and applying our anti-static topical spray will help reduce this field (charge build up). PCs are notorious for EMI (electromagnetic interference) and are usually shielded to meet various FCC classes depending on the type of casing & power supply. Shielding the PC can help limit EMI that may cause ESD (you need a very strong EMI for this to happen) and any RF/EMI/Shielding company can help you with this. Chomerics (Parker Seals) in Woburn MA (781)-935-4850 is one company that comes to mind for this type of shielding.
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