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Question We design machines that run plastic or paper-backed vinyl back and forth over a surface. Beyond the surface, the vinyl often just lies on the floor.

What would you suggest as a strategy to reduce static buildup on both sides of the material (front and back)? Right now we make the supporting surface conductive (expensive nickel plated aluminum) and have tinsel just beyond it to remove charges collected on the floor. Would conductive paint be just as good and cheaper? Would anti-static paint be better? How are the wear properties of anti-static paint? What makes it anti-static?

Answer A: The tinsel may be a good solution for this application. Our Statproof® Paint is a good product for minimizing tribocharging and may have some advantage in this application as well.

Our Statproof® conductive paint also has the property of being antistatic or low charging. The paint has excellent wear properties.
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