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Question We have ESD flooring, do we need to wear wrist straps as well as heel straps or can heel straps do the work?? We work on work stations that have ESD mats that are grounded. - Anonymous, Houston, TX
Answer Wrist straps are not necessary if an operator is properly wearing two foot grounders on a conductive grounded floor and doesn't lift both their feet at the same time, like some people do when sitting down. But, if personnel are sitting while working at ESD Protective work stations, then there is a risk that the grounding continuity will be interrupted from the ground path of the operator to foot grounder to ESD floor.

Personnel are required if seated to follow ANSI/ESD S20.20 Paragraph Personnel Grounding Requirements, “All personnel shall be bonded or electrically connected to ground or contrived ground when handling ESD sensitive items. When personnel are seated at ESD protective workstations, they shall be connected to the common point ground via a wrist strap system.”

We recommend the use of a quality wrist strap such as our new Jewel™ Premium Elastic Adjustable Wrist Strap Strap Line to ground an operator that sits at an ESD Protective work area.

If an operator is also wearing a smock, but is not electrically connecting the smock to either their body's skin nor ground, then the smock is providing only partial protection. Charges on the smock may have no where to go or discharge to if the smock is not grounded. A popular way to ground the smock is with a coil cord attached to a snap on the patented Hip-to-Cuff grounding snap on the smock. Our smocks with the the patented Hip-to-Cuff grounding system can be found on our website. Please contact for more information.
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