S1500-361200-SINGLE-LAYER VINYL MAT BLUE, 36" X 100 FT X 0.060"

S1500-361200-SINGLE-LAYER VINYL MAT BLUE, 36" X 100 FT X 0.060"              

S1500-361200 - SINGLE-LAYER VINYL MAT BLUE, 36" X 100 FT X 0.060"

Internet List Price Email List Price
Qty: 1 $1221.33
Qty: 1 $1343.47

In-stock orders will ship in 3 business days or less after receipt of order.

Stock: 0

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Stock Location: CANTON, MA

Country Of Origin: USA

Sold Per: RL

Gross Weight2: 0.00 lb

2The weight listed is gross product weight including standard packaging, actual shipment weight may vary.



S1500 Series is a static dissipative homogenous single-layer vinyl mat suitable for use as table and floor mats, in the static free work areas. This product comes in Blue & Gray colors and has leather embossed finish on the top with smooth finish on the back surface. Available in 0.06", 0.093" thickness; and 24", 30", 36", & 48" wide rolls of either 50 ft or 100 ft long. Cut to special sizes are available upon request. This product meets and exceeds ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014.

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