S1508A-30720-ESD VINYL CUSHION MAT MULTI-LAYER, 30" X 60 FT X 0.375"

S1508A-30720-ESD VINYL CUSHION MAT MULTI-LAYER, 30" X 60 FT X 0.375"              

S1508A-30720 - ESD VINYL CUSHION MAT MULTI-LAYER, 30" X 60 FT X 0.375"

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Qty: 1 $1301.33
Qty: 1 $1431.47

In-stock orders will ship in 3 business days or less after receipt of order.

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Stock Location: CANTON, MA

Country Of Origin: USA

Sold Per: RL

Gross Weight2: 0.00 lb

2The weight listed is gross product weight including standard packaging, actual shipment weight may vary.



S1508 is a static dissipative mat constructed of Vinyl foam. It is designed for use as table-mat and work surface in the areas where protection against static electricity is required. This product offers an effective means to discharge static electricity while its cushion property provides an excellent comfort level for end users. It is resistant to degradation by inorganic acids, organic acids, reducing agents, detergent solutions, alcohols, aliphatic hydrocarbons, mineral oil, amines, and aldehydes. Standard mat sizes 18"X23", 24"X40', & 52"X40'. Also available in cut-to-custom-sizes on request. This product meets and exceeds ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014.

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  • TB-S1508A - Product Specification for S1508A Series 3-Layer Static Dissipative Cushion Matting